Quest Talk:Chapter 1.3: Father Of The Dwarves
Alternate dialogue for characters of the dwarf race in objective 2
Stáli: 'Ah, thank you very much, my friend! I can see you are an astute patron of the arts and have a fine eye for detail. I agree that I have done an excellent job of capturing Durin's heroism and majesty.'
Stáli beams at you. You have clearly won him over.
'Durin the Deathless he was called, for he possessed a great span of years and it seemed he would not die. It was not so, for death comes to all, even to the very greatest of dwarves. And yet: we Longbeards believe that Durin comes back whenever we have need of him, reborn into a new form. You know it is true, my Longbeard friend! He has come back to us five times during our long history, has he not? That is why we count each Durin in a single line, from Durin I who awoke beneath Gundabad all the way to Durin VI, who perished in Khazad-dûm to shadow and flame. Some folk believe that the son of King Thorin Stonehelm may prove to be Durin the Deathless reborn, a seventh Durin to lead us into the future.
'I hope it is true, <name>. I have been planning a statue of him, and it would be a shame for that work to come to naught. But I have spoken too long already, and should get back to my endeavours. Return to King Thorin with my good wishes.'
Dadwhereismom (talk) 19:02, 1 May 2020 (UTC)