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Quest:Treasure from Trestlebridge

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Treasure From Trestlebridge
Level 24
Type Solo
Starts with Stolen Goods crate
Starts at Tarkrîp Assault Camp
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [15.0S, 51.9W]
Ends with Marla Shelton
Ends at Trestlebridge
End Region North Downs
Map Ref [17.5S, 54.0W]
Quest Group North Downs
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

A number of crates lie scattered throughout the Orc encampment north-east of Trestlebridge, likely looted from the town.

You should search the crates and collect anything that should be returned to the devastated town.


A number of crates lie scattered throughout the Orc encampment north-east of Trestlebridge, likely looted from the town.

Objective 1

  • Collect any stolen goods from the crates

Stolen crates from Trestlebridge lie scattered throughout the large Orc encampment north-east of Trestlebridge.

You should search the creates and collect treasure.

This crate has already been looted
Collected the Founder's Book of Trestlebridge, bearing an inscription of belonging to the Shelton family

Objective 2

  • Collect all the missing pages from the Founder's Book

The pages of the Founders Book have been scattered by the Orcs near Trestlebridge.

You should collect all of the missing pages from the Founder's Book.

Complete A Book Torn Apart
You have found all the missing pages from the valuable historic artifact

Objective 3

Marla Shelton is back in Trestlebridge.

You have found the Founder's Book and should bring it back to Marla Shelton.

'The Founder's Book! I never thought to see it again. It is in rough shape, but I think you found most of the torn out pages.
'I'm sure I can repair it. Thank you, <name>! I had given it up for lost.'