Quest:Tol Fennas - Raven's Rookery

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Quest:Tol Fennas - Raven's Rookery
Level 100
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Dimlas
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.3S, 71.3W]
Ends with Dimlas
Ends at Dol Amroth
End Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.3S, 71.3W]
Quest Group Dol Amroth - City Watch - Great Hall
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The ravens on Tol Fennas are very important to us. They are messenger birds and often used in hunting.

'I have heard the corsairs are raiding the ravens’ nests and stealing their eggs. Those eggs are then being used for breakfasts and not for hatching.

'Use a boat in the harbour and head to Tol Fennas. Once there, ascend to the heights and find the nests. You’ll need to be quick, once you grab the first egg the corsairs vil1 surely notice.'

This quest is in the West Gondor: Dol Amroth category: You are currently underway on or have completed 0 / 6 quests in this category today.


The ravens’ eggs at the peak of Tol Fennas must be protected if the birds are to survive.

Objective 1

  • Venture to the heights of Tol Fennas

Raven eggs can be found in nests on the heights of Tol Fennas.

Dimlas asked you to head to Tol Fennas and gather raven eggs. A boat in the harbour of Dol Amroth can take you to Tol Fennas.

The nests are here. Quickly gather the eggs!

Objective 2

  • Gather eggs (0/10)
  • Gather eggs before the corsairs can

Raven eggs can be found in nests on the heights of Tol Fennas.

Dimlas asked you to head to Tol Fennas and gather raven eggs. A boat in the harbour of Dol Amroth can take you to Tol Fennas.

You have two minutes in which to gather the 10 eggs.
The corsairs have taken too many eggs!
Failed: Tol Fennas - Ravens' Rookery

Objective 3

  • Talk to Dimlas

Dimlas is in Dol Amroth.

Dimlas will be pleased with the number of eggs you saved.

'We can get a full clutch from this many eggs. I will see to it they are properly cared for and hatched right here in Dol Amroth. When the island is ours again they shall return home.'