Quest:Tol Aduial - A Feast of Drakes

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Tol Aduial - A Feast of Drakes
Level 100
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Rodwen (Dol Amroth)
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Dol Amroth
Map Ref [75.2S, 71.3W]
Quest Chain Dol Amroth - City Watch - Warehouse
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Tol Aduial is a small island, just off the coast of Dol Amroth. You can see it from the cliffs near the Great Hall. Long has it been an outpost of the city, where we watched all manner of boats enter the bay. There is where we would intercept our enemies and ensure it was only allies who passed on to the city.

'The corsairs have taken it as their own, and are choking off our fishermen and supplies. To make it worse, they have brought a pair of drakes with them. Fearsome beasts.

'There is a small boat in the harbour that will take you there. Once there, keep your eyes open. I am sure there is more to deal with than just those drakes. Be warned, you will want friends with you.'

This quest is in the West Gondor: Dol Amroth category: You are currently underway on or have completed 0 / 6 quests in this category today.


A pair of drakes have roosted on the ruins of a small island off the coast of Dol Amroth, terrorizing the Gondorian fishermen.

Objective 1

  • Place the meat then defeat the drakes

The drakes must be vanquished to protect the city.

A boat in the harbour of Dol Amroth can take you to Tol Aduial.

They are coming...
Akalur has fallen!
Yaradec has fallen!
The drakes have fallen and the fishermen are safe