Quest:To Thorenhad

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To Thorenhad
Level 35
Type Solo
Starts with Anhebir
Starts at Rivendell
Start Region Rivendell
Map Ref [30.9S, 5.3W]
Ends with Elrohir
Ends at Thorenhad
End Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [31.6S, 15.2W]
Quest Group Trollshaws
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I do not believe you have been told yet of Thorenhad. Elrond has sent scouts there to patrol the wilds of the Trollshaws and to search out the evil that lurks in those old hills.

'I am sure you would be welcomed there, for the Trollshaws are a broad land, and our people too few. Seek out Elrond's son Elrohir and say that I have sent you to support him.

'Thorenhad is a ruin atop a hill north of the bear-dens of the Bruinen Gorges. It is to the east of Barachen's camp and some distance west of here.'


Elf-scouts are encamped at Thorenhad, charged with patrolling the Trollshaws for signs of evil.

Objective 1

Thorenhad is a ruin atop a hill north of the bear-dens of the Bruinen Gorges. It is to the east of Barachen's camp, and some distance west of Rivendell.

Anhebir has sent you to Thorenhad, to report to Elrond's son, Elrohir.

Elrohir: 'You are welcome to join our company, <name>. My brother and I have done our best, but there is more still to be done if we are to keep this land safe from servants of the Enemy.'