Quest:The Cursed Vale

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The Cursed Vale
Level 97
Type Solo
Starts with Gordir
Starts at Sardol
Start Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [60.9S, 70.0W]
Ends with Rosfin
Ends at Morlad
End Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [56.8S, 67.5W]
Quest Group Western Gondor: Blackroot Vale
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, I have seldom felt as frightened as I am now.

'You have seen what vile things rise against us, but I fear that there are few options left for us. I beg you, please travel back to Morlad and tell Malthellam of what you have seen!

'I only hope it is not too late!'


After aiding the villages of Alagrant and Sardol, you have uncovered dangerous, new threats to Blackroot Vale that you must reveal to Malthellam and Rosfin.

Objective 1

Malthellam can be found outside his home in Morlad in northwestern Blackroot Vale.

You have been urged to return to Malthellam by Gordir, who hopes that your experiences in Alagrant and Sardol will goad the Steward into taking action.

Malthellam: 'It heartens me to know that so much is being done on our behalf, <name>.
'Yet, I can see that something has troubled you. Come, let us talk of what concerns you.'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Malthellam

Malthellam can be found in Morlad, outside his home.

Malthellam has asked you to speak with him and Rosfin about what you encountered in Alagrant and Sardol.

Malthellam: 'Come, let us speak inside.'
Complete the Instance: The Cursed Vale

Objective 3

Lady Rosfin can be found outside Malthellam's home in Morlad.

You have finished speaking with Lady Rosfin and Malthellam about the threats you encountered in the south, and should now speak to Rosfin.

Rosfin: 'I have heard enough, <name>. If we do not act now, we may as well surrender our lives and lands.
'However, I do not plan on giving up so easily....'