Quest:Terrors of Bel Inzûl

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Terrors of Bel Inzûl
Level 146
Type Solo
Starts with Dock-master
Starts at Bel Inzûl
Start Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [13.6S, 120.6W]
Ends with Healer
End Region The Shield Isles
Map Ref [13.4S, 120.6W]
Quest Group The Shield Isles
Quest Chain Terrors of Bel Inzûl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Best to make whatever business you have here quick, my friend. There are terrors lurking around this island that turn the innards of men to jelly - just by sight. Talk with the healer if you want to know more.'


Upon arriving on the island, the boatman at the dock warned you to be cautious and directed you to the healer in the outpost.

Objective 1

  • Speak with healer standing near the stalls at Bel Inzûl

Speak with the healer at the stalls within the outpost of Bel Inzûl.

Healer: 'It was good of the boatman to warn you. There are things on this island that are terrifying and cruel. We do our best to stay away. This port ensures that goods are moving across the townships... we do not linger here long.
'If you have companions, I would bring them with you if you choose to take on the bounties we've posted on the wall around the corner. Otherwise, friend, do yourself a favour and stay within the confines of this outpost - for your safety.'