Quest:Siege of Eaworth: Uruks of the Vale

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Siege of Eaworth: Uruks of the Vale
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Dernstan
Starts at Eaworth
Start Region Entwash Vale
Map Ref [47.6S, 63.9W]
Quest Group Hytbold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Though the southern half of Eaworth burns, we have held the remainder of the town. The Enemy desperately wants to see it turned to naught but ash. They march again upon our walls.

'They must be driven back and the town must be defended once more.'


The Uruk-encampment to the south of Eaworth launches almost daily assaults upon the town.

Objective 1

  • Defeat the Uruks besieging Eaworth (0/10)

Uruks are besieging Eaworth.

Dernstan asked you to aid in defending Eaworth from the Uruks encamped to the south.

Dernstan: 'Let me know when you are ready to join the battle.'
Enter the Public Instance: The Siege of Eaworth

Objective 2

  • Talk to Dernstan

Dernstan is at Eaworth.

Dernstan will be pleased to hear that you defeated many Uruks while defending Eaworth.

Dernstan: 'For today, the town has been secured and the attack repulsed. Tomorrow will bring new battles, but now we rest.'