Quest:Restoring the Peas

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Restoring the Peas
Level 44
Type Solo
Starts with Cána
Starts at Fail-á-Khro
Start Region Angmar
Map Ref [2.6N, 37.3W]
Quest Group Angmar
Quest Chain Restoration
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The herbal poultice will help with our defence, <name>; now we must see to the attack, and I know upon what to focus our efforts: peas!

'The farms north-east of here have been taken from my people and put to the use of the Trév Duvárdain. Now that we have retaken Fail-á-Khro, we can do something about it.

'Travel north-east to the farmland outside the city of Donnvail and harvest the pea-plants you find there. We may not have the numbers to take the farms, but we can at least take the peas!'


Cána is worried that the Trév Duvárdain and their Angmarim masters are getting fat off the land that is rightfully that of the Trév Gállorg.

Objective 1

Pea-plants can be found in the farmland outside the city of Donnvail, north-east of Fail-á-Khro.

Cána has tasked you with recovering the pea-plants from the farms outside of Donnvail.

Cána: 'Harvest pea-plants from the farms outside the city of Donnvail, to the north-east. Bring them to me, and we will keep them from feeding our enemies.'

Objective 2

  • Bring pea-plants to Cána

Cána is at Fail-á-Khro, on the road north of Aughaire.

You have harvested pea-plants from the farms near Donnvail to keep them from the enemies of the Trév Gállorg.

Cána: 'Thank you for these pea-plants, <name>. Our enemies will go hungry tonight and know that we are serious about taking what is ours.'