Quest:Preparing for the Departure

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Preparing for the Departure
Level 92
Type Solo
Starts with Nothmar
Starts at Gapholt
Start Region Stonedeans
Map Ref [53.7S, 84.1W]
Quest Group Stonedeans
Quest Chain Gapholt
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I cannot in good conscience leave Gapholt in this state. We are barely prepared for an attack with the men we have, and if I take men with me to Woodhurst, then Gapholt will be helpless against any enemy force. If you want my aid, you must first help us prepare.

'We could use barricades constructed throughout the town so any attackers would be funneled towards a more defensible location.'


Thane Nothmar has agreed to aid Woodhurst, but first Gapholt needs to be better prepared to be defended by fewer men.

Objective 1

  • Collect wood (0/5)

Thane Nothmar has asked you to place barricades around Gapholt.

You will need to gather wood from around Gapholt with which to build the barricades.

Objective 2

  • Place barricades (0/5)

Thane Nothmar has asked you to place barricades near the bridge leading in to Gapholt.

With the wood you gathered, you should build the barricades on the south-west and eastern sides of town.

Objective 3

Thane Nothmar is near the bridge leading into Gapholt.

You should return to Thane Nothmar to see if he needs anything else done before departing for Woodhurst.

Nothmar: 'The barricades you made seem sturdy and will help the remaining defenders should the enemy attack. Your help building and placing them is appreciated.
'We are nearly ready to depart for Woodhurst, but we could use a few supplies for the journey. We could use a supply of berries that grow in the woods nearby.'

Objective 4

  • Collect berries (0/8)

Thane Nothmar asked for berries that grow in the woods outside of town.

Thane Nothmar asked for help gathering supplies for the men that will journey with him to aid Woodhurst.

Objective 5

  • Speak with Nothmar

Thane Nothmar is near the bridge leading into Gapholt.

Return to Nothmar in Gapholt with the berries you collected.

Nothmar: 'Thank you for collecting these berries. They should tide the men over until we reach Woodhurst.
'Could you fill my waterskin in the waterfall?'

Objective 6

  • Fill Thane Nothmar's waterskin in the waterfall

Take Nothmar's waterskin and fill it within the water fall near Gapholt.

This is a good place to fill Nothmar's waterskin
Filled Thane Nothmar's waterskin in the waterfall

Objective 7

  • Talk to Thane Nothmar

Thane Nothmar is near the bridge leading into Gapholt.

You should return to Thane Nothmar with the supplies you helped gather for the journey to Woodhurst.

Nothmar: 'Thank you, <name>. Your aid has eased my worries for Gapholt's safety. If the Enemy comes in great number, no amount of preparation would have helped. But with your aid, the men can hold off a reasonable attack, should the Enemy come while we are gone.'