Quest:Picking Berries

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Picking Berries
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Wild Berries
Starts at Beorninghús
Start Region Grimbeorn's House
Map Ref [15.0N, 52.9W]
Ends with Gírta
Ends at Beorninghús
End Region Grimbeorn's House
Quest Chain Wells of Langflood
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

These wild berries look perfectly ripe. You hope there are plenty more nearby!


There is always work to be done at the Beorninghús.

Objective 1

  • Pick wild berries (0/10)

Wild berries can be found in the Beorninglands.

You should pick some wild berries.

Picked wild berries (10/10)

Objective 2

  • Give the wild berries to Gírta at the Beorninghús

Gírta can be found at the Beorninghús.

You should give the wild berries to Gírta.

Gírta: 'Greeting <name>. Thank you for the wild berries. These would make for a simply wonderful pie. You know, I have been trying to teach one of Grimbeorn's dogs how to cook. He's good at setting the table but not so much when it comes to baking. He's a young dog though, so I think I can teach him a new trick or two!'