Quest:Nár Sends His Regards

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Nár Sends His Regards
Level 65
Type Small Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Frithgeir
Starts at Zudrugund
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [65.6S, 8.5W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The two main encampments, one at Mafân-mudun and another they call the High Home, are the dwellings of many giants. They must be sent a message that Nár's influence has not waned and that we will not tolerate their intrusion upon Thrór's home in exile.

'Wreak our vengeance upon them, <name>, and perhaps they will abandon these lands. Travel to each encampment, if you would, and defeat many giants there.

'Mafân-mudun is located in the southeastern reaches of Thrór's Coomb and the High Home may be found in the shadow of Harndirion to the south-east.'


Among the dwarf-ruins to the south of Zudrugund, there are two large encampments. These encampments are a mockery to the ancient halls found below.

Objective 1

Mafân-mudun is located in the southeastern reaches of Thrór's Coomb, and the High Home may be found in the shadow of Harndirion to the south-east.

Frithgeir has asked you to defeat giants at Mafân-mudun and the High Home.

Frithgeir: 'Bring our vengeance down upon the giants, <name>...they do not belong here.

Objective 2

Frithgeir is at Zudrugund, north of Mafân-mudun and the High Home.

You should return to Frithgeir and inform him that Nár's regards have been imparted upon the giants invading Thrór's Coomb.

Frithgeir: 'Your deeds today marks the starting point of what should become the purging of our ancestral home. With the giants' numbers diminished at each of these encampments, they should think twice about their invasion.'