Quest:Mysterious Relic in the North Downs

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Mysterious Relic in the North Downs
Level 30
Type Solo
Starts with Mysterious Relic
Starts at William Peake's Farm
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [10.3S, 46.9W]
Ends with Ted Farmer
Ends at William Peake's Farm
End Region North Downs
Map Ref [10.2S, 46.9W]
Quest Group North Downs
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Before the burned cottage stands an evil-looking relic. Staring at the relic, your blood boils, though you can identify no good reason for it. You shake your head, and the feeling passes.


A mysterious relic appeared outside the Peake's abandoned farmhouse in the North Downs.

Objective 1

Ted Farmer is outside the cottage he was dwelling in with his brother Burt, staring at the frightening relic someone placed there as the cottage burned.

What happened here?
Ted Farmer: 'I'll tell you what happened: someone set fire to the house my brother and I have been living in! We managed to extinguish the fire, but that's not all: whoever it was left this evil thing right out front!
'I think they were after that helmet I found, but they didn't get it! I sold it to a merchant earlier in the day!'
Who'd do that?
A helmet? What helmet?
Ted Farmer: 'I'm sure it was valuable: gem-encrusted and very old. But it also made me feel uneasy, as if I wasn't supposed to hold it. So I sold it to a merchant in Trestlebridge. I'm sure that whoever set fire to our house was looking for it, but they'll not get it!
'I have that to be pleased about, at any rate.'
It's something.
What will you do now?
Ted Farmer: 'Our first home was sacked by the Orc army that came out of Angmar, so my brother and me found this abandoned place to live in. We'll have to go somewhere else now. Maybe Trestlebridge, or Stoneheight. I just don't know.'
I hope you do.

Ted Farmer: 'As if Burt and I have not suffered enough at the hands of the Orcs, now we have to deal with someone setting our home afire? If we had the means, my brother and I would go somewhere, but where else could we go? We were living in this cottage because there is nowhere else to go!'