Quest:Lunch for the Look-outs

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Lunch for the Look-outs
Level 5
Type Solo
Starts with Rhedyn
Starts at Mossward
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [60.6S, 34.7W]
Ends with Rhedyn
Ends at Mossward
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [60.6S, 34.7W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Excuse me! Could I bother you to help me make some deliveries?

'More of us are volunteering for shifts up on the watch-towers. The new folks forget to pack a lunch. Would you mind bringing these sandwiches and canteens to whoever's on watch?'


Rhedyn asks you to bring a little repast to each watch-tower along the wall.

Objective 1

  • Deliver food and drink to Deris
  • Deliver food and drink to Eryl
  • Deliver food and drink to Lhian and Cledd
  • Deliver food and drink to Gwion
Deris: 'Ooooh lunch? That's wonderful! Uuff my tummy was beginning to growl like an angry cat. I volunteered to take the noon to sundown shift thinking "Oh well I'll just have a big lunch and look forward to a large supper. I won't need a snack." But let me tell you, standin' around for hours with nothing to look at but the grass has a strange way of building up an appetite.
'Oh but don't let me keep you with my blabbering. Off you go now, and tell the baker she's lovely and thoughtful. Thanks to both of you!'
Eryl: 'Mutton? Oooh I love mutton! Mutton mutton hmm hmm like a button...
'Oh! You're still here! You uh, didn't hear me... singing a song about mutton did you? I'm not used to uh, standing around here doing nothing all day. I sing about little things I see to keep myself occupied.
'Please don't tell anyone.'
Lhian: 'Hmm? A lunch delivery? Ah for the new folk who forget to bring food and drink. Well, an experienced watcher like myself remembered to bring her own.
Lhian gives you a wink and pats a satchel at her hip.
'Unless... is that chicken, mushroom, and onion? With rosemary?' Lhian opens her satchel. 'Give it here, friend.'
Gwion: Gwion takes a long swig from the canteen before speaking.
'I packed salted pork for food. I forgot to bring anything to drink, and it wouldn't do for me to leave my post to fetch something. Thanks for the water, friend, and pass my thanks to the baker too.'

Objective 2

You should tell Rhedyn that you have completed your deliveries.

Talk to Rhedyn

Rhedyn: Thanks for helping out. These are hard times for Mossward, but if we support each other we'll get through it, right?'