Quest:Kemp's Stash

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Kemp's Stash
Level 22
Type Solo
Starts with Kemp the Wheelwright
Starts at Trestlebridge
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [17.5S, 53.9W]
Quest Group North Downs
Quest Chain Kemp the Wheelwright
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'See, the night the Orcs first came, Nellie's father, Lovelle, and I were talking and drinking. Well, I must've had one too many mugs, because I woke up that morning in an alley. Near as I can guess, Orcs must've thought I was already dead. Suppose I was lucky, but sure don't feel that way.

'All me life I been hiding a little money away outside of town. I reckon now it's enough to help Nellie keep this town going. Problem is I can't get to its hiding place. Can you go get it for me?

'I buried it in the ruins of Minas Vrûn, north and east of here. I buried it in an archway in the ruins. You'll know you're at the right spot if you see a big "X." Be careful though, wild beasts and worse prowl those ruins!'


Kemp told you the tale of how he survived the Orc-attack and how Nellie Boskins resolved to save Trestlebridge.

Objective 1

Kemp the Wheelwright said his stash lay buried in the ruins of Minas Vrûn north and east of Trestlebridge. The hiding spot is in an archway marked with an "X".

Kemp the Wheelwright asked you to collect his hidden stash of money, so that he can help to maintain Trestlebridge for Nellie Boskins.

Kemp: 'Here's how ye find me money. Go north from Trestlebridge along the road. When the road branches east, follow it until ye see some ruins north of ye. Those are the ruins of Minas Vrûn.
'Explore the ruins a bit, look for an archway with an "X." The stash is buried there.'

Objective 2

  • Bring the stash to Kemp

Kemp the Wheelwright can be found in Trestlebridge.

You should return to Kemp the Wheelwright with his stash.

Kemp: 'Aye, that's me money. Thank'ee. I'll give this to Nellie right away.
'Nellie's a dear girl, and I know she'll say I don't need to give it to her. And while she may not blame me for what happened, I know I wish it had been old Lovelle who survived and not me. I know I can't change it, so I'll try and help Nellie save this town. It's the very least I can do for her and her dad, good old Lovelle.'