Quest:Ivory Spears

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Ivory Spears
Level 62
Type Solo
Starts with  Fine Tusks
Starts at Gloomglens
Ends with Idhrenfair
Ends at Echad Idhrenfair
End Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [63.5S, 21.5W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

These fine tusks have a strangely polished feel to them, though you just harvested them from the corpse of a boar you slew. These creatures, like everything else you have encountered in the woods of the Gloomglens, seem to have an otherworldly air to them.

Regardless, you should bring the tusks to one of the Rangers of the Grey Company as evidence of one of the threats posed to them in the Gloomglens.


You slew a great boar in the woods of the Gloomglens, harvesting its fine tusks.

Objective 1

There are Rangers at Echad Idhrenfair in the Gloomglens.

You should bring the boar-tusks you harvested to one of the Rangers of the Grey Company as evidence of the threats posed to them in the Gloomglens.

Idhrenfair: 'These tusks are strangely fair to have been taken from a wild pig, but if this is the strangest thing we shall see in these woods, then I will be glad.'