Quest:Intro: Dogs of Death

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Intro: Dogs of Death
Level 5
Type Solo
Starts with Unnarr
Starts at Frerin's Court
Start Region Thorin's Gate
Map Ref [15.0S, 103.2W]
Quest Group Introduction (Dwarf/Elf)
Race(s) Dwarf, Elf
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Have you seen the barrow-hounds nearby, good <race>? The other dwarves think they are just bleak, wild dogs, but [Elf: you and] I know better. These are barghests!

'In my travels some years ago, I once happened upon the most forsaken place I have ever seen. Dread filled me, and my voice died, and all was cold. The dogs there were the very same as these black, mournful beasts, with their eyes full of death.

'Why have they come to replace the lynx and the wild auroch-herds that roamed here in Thorin's day? It does not make any sense. They must be driven off!'


The barrow-dwelling dogs called "barghests" have taken over the lands in Thorin's Gate, implying the presence of much death nearby....

Objective 1

  • Defeat barghests in the snow-fields around Frerin's Court (0/4)

Barghests can be found in the sooty snow-fields around Frerin's Court.

You should defeat barghests, for they are a sign of an unnatural death in this valley that was once hale and fair.

Unnarr: 'Those dogs are a bad sign for any land. To see them in the fields around Frerin's Court fills my heart with dread.'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Unnarr in Frerin's Court

Unnarr is in Frerin's Court, standing among the other members of Dwalin's party.

You should speak with Unnarr and tell him of your success in driving off the evil barrow-hounds in Thorin's Gate.

Unnarr: 'Thank you, <name>! Those dogs chill my heart. You did a good deed for these lands by driving them back. Perhaps some day the lynx and aurochs will be able to return to these parts. Some day.
'I wonder why the wretched dogs settled here to begin with....'