Quest:Instance: A Request

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Instance: A Request
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Karazgar
Starts at The Old Ford
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [8.1N, 56.5W]
Ends with Lord Elrond
Ends at Wolf-denes
End Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [7.9N, 56.8W]
Quest Group The Black Book of Mordor: Chapter 10
Reflecting Pool Vales of Anduin Reflecting Pool
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

A Request
"I just want to talk."


Karazgar, the Weeping Warrior, has declared a truce and desires to speak with you.

Objective 1

  • Approach Karazgar and hear what he has to say

Karazgar has confronted you at the Old Ford, but for the moment he has declared a truce. He wishes only to speak with you.

Karazgar says, "We do not need to spill each other's blood, <name>."
Karazgar says, "Why can we not conduct our business and leave the other alone?"

Objective 2

  • Give your response to Karazgar

Karazgar has confronted you at the Old Ford, but for the moment he has declared a truce. He wishes only to speak with you.

He waits for you to respond.

(Ask) What business, Karazgar?
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
Tell me.
Karazgar says, "There is much we could learn from each other, to our mutual benefit."
Karazgar says, "Ask me what you will, and I will tell you much."

(Fight) I will not listen to you!
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
Now perish!
Karazgar says, "You disappoint me, <name>."
Karazgar says, "Die, then!"
Karazgar says, "Someone comes."
Karazgar says, "Our combat must wait <name>."
Karazgar says, "I must be gone."

Objective 3

  • Ask Karazgar the questions you wish

Karazgar has confronted you at the Old Ford, but for the moment he has declared a truce. He wishes only to speak with you.

He has given you the chance to ask the questions you wish.

(Ask) What can you say of the Gúrzyul?
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
Tell me.
Karazgar says, "It was in the Second Age that Sauron learned a truth that had escaped him."
Karazgar says, "He learned that despite his great power..."
Karazgar says, "...there were some forces even he could not challenge alone."
Karazgar says, "The Nazgûl may have been Sauron's most powerful servants."
Karazgar says, "They were snared by the Dark Lord, and made to serve him."
Karazgar says, "But in some tasks they proved insufficient."
Karazgar says, "We Gúrzyul... we were different."
Karazgar says, "We flocked to him. We sought to worship him."
Karazgar says, "We chose, and in return we were chosen."
Karazgar says, "Dulgabêth, Ugrukhôr, Urudanî..."
Karazgar says, "Rûkhor, Nûlbanath, Mothgorod..."
Karazgar says, "And I, greatest of them all."
Karazgar says, "Gulthauk's bite made us ageless and deathless."
Karazgar says, "We were given what the Númenóreans desired but could not attain."
Karazgar says, "Endless, unceasing time. Or so we thought."
Karazgar says, "Why should our fortunes wane with Sauron's?"
Karazgar says, "Would you not fight to master your fate, <name>?"
Karazgar says, "So it is with me."

(Ask) Why do you want the Black Book?
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
Tell me.
Karazgar says, "It is an artifact of Mordor, is it not?"
Karazgar says, "I do not seek the jewels of dwarves, or the lore of Elves."
Karazgar says, "I do not desire the treasures of Gondor."
Karazgar says, "I want only keepsakes of the land I served."
Karazgar says, "When the North belongs to me, as was promised..."
Karazgar says, "...they will be a reminder to me of my many victories."

(Ask) Why would I ever aid you?
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
Tell me.
Karazgar says, "We are enemies. This is true."
Karazgar says, "You stood in defence of your allies, the dwarves..."
Karazgar says, "...and I slaughtered them by the dozen."
Karazgar says, "Have you not slain my allies?"
Karazgar says, "You took the coin of Gondor and the gifts of Elves, and you did their bidding."
Karazgar says, "You named yourself 'adventurer,' and you adventured."
Karazgar says, "So too did I."
Karazgar says, "We are much the same, <name>."
Karazgar says, "There is no reason we should not aid each other."

(Done) I have no questions for you.
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.

Objective 4

  • Listen to Karazgar's request

Karazgar has confronted you at the Old Ford, but for the moment he has declared a truce. He wishes only to speak with you.

Karazgar says, "Do you see what an ally you could have in me, <name>?"
Karazgar says, "Seek information and I will give it."
Karazgar says, "Desire death for your foes and I will deliver it."
Karazgar says, "All I require is that you bring me the Black Book."
Karazgar says, "What say you?"

Objective 5

  • Give Karazgar your response to his request

Karazgar has made his request of you: he wants you to give him the Black Book of Mordor.

(Answer) I will bring you the Black Book.
(Answer) I refuse.
(Fight) I will make you my prisoner!
(Fight) I will kill you where you stand!

Objective 6

  • Remain on your guard

Remain alert for the reaction of Karazgar, and stay on your guard.

(Answer) I will bring you the Black Book.
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
When I can.
Karazgar says, "I am pleased to hear you can be reasonable, <name>."
Karazgar says, "I know the Wizard will not approve."
Karazgar says, "Remain alert. Eventually he must leave the Book unattended."
Karazgar says, "Meet me here when you have it."

(Answer) I refuse.
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
I will not.
Karazgar says, "You are a disappointment to me, <name>."
Karazgar says, "If you change your mind, bring it to me here."
Karazgar says, "I will leave you unharmed, while my patience lasts."
Karazgar says, "It will not last forever."

(Fight) I will make you my prisoner!
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
By force!
Karazgar says, "More dangerous fools than you have tried!"
Karazgar says, "Die, then!"

(Fight) I will kill you where you stand!
Karazgar stares at you, appraising you silently.
Now perish!
Karazgar says, "The Herald of Winter could not. What makes you think you can?"
Karazgar says, "Die, then!"

All responses:
Karazgar says, "I will...."
Karazgar says, "Someone comes. I must be gone."

Objective 7

  • Wait for the newcomers to arrive

Karazgar has fled from the new arrivals on the road.

Lord Elrond says, "<name>, it is a pleasure to see you."

Objective 8

Elrond and much of his household have made the passage of the mountains.

Elrond: 'I have come with much of my household across the mountains, by way of the High Pass, for the marriage of my daughter awaits us in Gondor. Aragorn Elessar has claimed the crown of that land, and it is Arwen's wish, and his, that they marry. She will remain by his side forever. I know the way of hard choices, and this is hers to make.
'Glorfindel accompanies us, as do many others of my folk. Some will attend Arwen at the wedding, and others there are who desired to see the lands beyond Imladris one last time before departing the Middle-earth. All are welcome, for such an occasion should be made as happy can be, and more hearts make merrier times. We travel light, but not without goods and gifts. I myself bring the Sceptre of Annúminas. It will be a gift for King Elessar, for it is his by right.
'It is my own desire that this journey be full of cheer, for my daughter's benefit, but this land holds only sorrow for me; I will be happy to leave it. I understand there is a pleasant house nearby at which we might find lodging. It was the home of Beorn the Skin-changer, and is kept now by his son, is it not?'