Quest:Insects among the Dying

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Insects among the Dying
Level 60
Type Solo
Starts with  Insect Chitin
Starts at Skûmfil
Ends with Mallas
Ends at The Shadowed Refuge
End Region The Foundations of Stone
Map Ref [12.9S, 100.7W]
Quest Group Moria: Foundations of Stone
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You discovered this chitin and much more from insects dwelling within the Skûmfil. You should bring this to someone who may know more about the insects.


It is odd to find insects among the infected Orcs in the Sixteenth Hall, but stranger still that they seemed to be servants of some sort. The carapace you discovered should be shown to someone who may be able to make sense of their appearance.

Objective 1

Mallas is at the Shadowed Refuge.

You should bring the chitin to Mallas. Perhaps he can provide insight as to why there would be insects near the infected Orcs.

Mallas: 'These insects are like those the dwarves tell me they discovered elsewhere. It is unlikely that the insects are the carriers of this disease, but they would certainly use the corpses of the dead as nourishment for their young.'