Quest:Going Astray in Gwâl Cruban

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Going Astray in Gwâl Cruban
Level 8
Type Solo
Starts with Gwendrian
Starts at Echad Terthas
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [52.8S, 22.4W]
Ends with Innathron
Ends at Gwâl Cruban
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [52.0S, 25.9W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Mae govannen. Over the water, a bit away from here, is Gwâl Cruban, home to vicious turtles whose beaks are strong enough to bite through- well, I shudder to think on it. My companion, Innathron, wandered that way yesterday to look at the ruins and has yet to return. Please keep watch for him, if you are heading that way.'


The ruins of Gwâl Cruban are no place to wander into unprepared. The turtles who have made it their home have sharp beaks and sharper tempers.

Objective 1

Gwendrian has asked you to look for her companion in Gwâl Cruban.

Gwâl Cruban is in northern Swanfleet.

Innathron: 'Well met, <class>. You are just in time. I am afraid that I have gotten my foot trapped here. I have managed to fend off the turtles thus far, but help is appreciated.'

Objective 2

  • You should try to free Innathron's foot

You found Innathron in Gwâl Cruban, however, he has managed to get his foot stuck in a small sink hole.

You should try to free Innathron.

You manage to free him!

Objective 3

  • Speak to Innathron

Innathron is waiting to thank you for freeing him.

Innathron is in Gwâl Cruban, in northern Swanfleet.

Innathron: 'Freed! I can make my way back to Echad Terthas on my own now. I thank you for your assistance.'