Epic Battles: Basic Training
"The armies of Saruman approach. Will we be ready to face them?"
The Armies of Saruman approach the Hornburg, and Aragorn wishes to help his companions prepare for the epic battle soon to be joined.
Objective 1
- Talk to Aragorn and learn about Epic Battles
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Aragorn: 'Saruman's armies will soon be here, <name>, but I fear that my companions do not know what to expect. An Epic Battle is not like the engagements we have faced to this point, and I want to ensure that our friends are ready.'
Objective 2
- Listen to Aragorn and his companions discuss the coming battle
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Aragorn says, "This valley will soon be filled with Saruman's armies! We must prepare for battle!"
- Gimli says, ""I have fought in many wars, Aragorn. I know what is to be done."
- Aragorn says, "This will be different, Gimli. This is no small engagement."
- Aragorn says, "In the battle to come, the forces of Saruman will care little for individual heroes."
- Aragorn says, "They seek nothing less than the total destruction of Rohan: man, woman, and child."
- Gimli says, "You are saying they will pay me no heed? Then I will make them suffer for their oversight!"
- Legolas says, "I know you will, my friend! But what are the actions of a single man, or Elf, or dwarf?"
- Legolas says, "Our foes number in the thousands!"
- Gimli says, "Ah, of course. My axe can reach only so many."
- Aragorn says, "That is why we must also instruct the Men of Rohan how best to fight during each battle."
- Aragorn says, "Commander!"
- Commander says, "Yes, Aragorn."
- Aragorn says, "During the tumult of battle we cannot speak to every man individually."
- Aragorn says, "Instead we will suggest tactical approaches to Commanders such as you."
- Aragorn says, "Then you will relay them to the men under your command."
- Commander says, "Very good."
Objective 3
- Talk to the Officer and learn about Commanders
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Officer: 'Selecting the Commander will highlight all of the soldiers under his command.
- 'During battle, by speaking with someone 'Awaiting Orders', like a Commander, you can change the tactics of a group of soldiers.
- 'Some options are available at the outset, such as healing the soldiers over time and increasing their damage output.
- 'Other options become available by spending points in the Officer Battle Role.
- Commander says, "I will convey your orders to the men under my command. We will do as you say during battle!"
Objective 4
- Talk to Legolas and learn about Approaching Enemies
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Legolas: 'We have fought large numbers of enemies before, but never so many foes as this! There will simply be too many enemies for one hero to dispatch alone.
- 'We must use other methods against them if we are to survive.'
Objective 5
- Listen to Legolas and his companions discuss the effectiveness of dealing with enemies at range
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Legolas says, "We will not fight the Uruks down here, unless the battle goes ill."
- Legolas says, "We will try and lessen their numbers from afar, with ranged weapons and siege equipment."
- Aragorn says, "Legolas speaks the truth. Every foe we slay from a distance is one less foe to face up close."
- Aragorn says, "We will see them marching in formation toward us."
- Aragorn says, "If we can aim our ballistae at these formations and fire at the right moment..."
- Aragorn says, "...we will face fewer enemies up close."
- Gimli says, "Every one of those marching foes will scale our walls?"
- Gimli says, "We should lessen their numbers if we can!"
- Gimli says, "But I know little about siege equipment."
- Engineer says, "I can tell you about it, if you like!"
Objective 6
- Talk to the Engineer and learn about Siege Equipment
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Engineer: 'Enemies will march in formations towards us. When a formation reaches our position, enemies will engage in close combat. We should use siege equipment to lessen their numbers first, before that happens!
- 'Anyone can build and use basic siege equipment.
- 'Other options become available by spending points in the Engineer Battle Role.'
Objective 7
- Walk with the Engineer and listen to him discuss siege equipment
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Engineer says, "<name>, come with me to practice building and using siege equipment."
- Engineer says, "You can build such devices by interacting with their transparent outlines."
- Engineer says, "Every time the progress circle fills up, the device moves closer to completion."
- Engineer says, "Once a device is built, you can interact with it to aim it, load it, and fire it."
- Engineer says, "Try it now, if you like!"
Objective 8
- Talk to Aragorn and learn about Battle Roles
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Aragorn: 'There are three different Battle Roles in which you can specialize, <name>. These Roles are Engineer, Vanguard, and Officer.
- 'By performing well during battle, you will earn points you can spend on these Roles in the Promotions Panel, becoming more effective at your chosen specialization.
- 'Speak with each of the representatives here to learn what each Battle Role has to offer.'
Objective 9
- Talk to the Engineer and learn about the Engineer Role
- Talk to the Officer and learn about the Officer Role
- Talk to the Vanguard and learn about the Vanguard Role
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Engineer: 'If you want to excel at building, upgrading, and firing siege equipment, you should focus on the Engineer Battle Role.
- 'Engineers can build siege equipment and other devices more quickly. They also have more options for upgrading and repairing such devices, and can place traps to hinder the enemy.
- 'Engineers can also disable enemy traps.'
- Officer: 'If you want to excel at issuing orders to Commanders and provide useful buffs to your allies, you should focus on the Officer Battle Role.
- 'Officers can issue more effective orders to Commanders. They also have more commands at their disposal, and can make a group of soldiers focus on particular targets or change their weapons.
- 'Officers can command soldiers to shelter from incoming catapult shells or arrows.
- 'Additionally, Officers can plant banners that aid nearby Engineers and Vanguards.'
- Vanguard: 'If you want to stand toe-to-toe with enemy forces, you should focus on the Vanguard Battle Role.
- 'Vanguards unlock powerful attacks by earning Killstreaks, defeating many enemies in succession. They also receive benefits by dealing and receiving damage, and can also run faster than other heroes.
- 'A Vanguard is happiest when engaging in close-quarters combat.'
Objective 10
- Talk to Aragorn and learn about Merit
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Aragorn: 'I would count mere survival of the battle a success, given the foes arrayed before us, but the truest victory is one in which we overcome all the challenges the battle brings.
- 'As a battle ebbs and flows, we may be presented with optional side objectives.
- 'These are not necessary for victory, but completing them successfully will add to the Merit we earn in the battle: the measure of our victory.'
Objective 11
- Listen to Aragorn and his companions discuss Merit and medals
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Aragorn says, "The more you practice at a certain Battle Role, the more skilled you will become."
- Commander says, "The more efficient you are, and the better you perform during battle, the more Merit you will earn."
- Commander says, "Side objectives are optional, but if you can complete them you will earn more Merit."
- Commander says, "Merit leads to greater recognition among your fellows, but also to real rewards as well!"
- Gimli says, "Rewards? The thrill of battle is all the reward I will need!"
- Aragorn says, "Well-spoken, my friend!"
- Aragorn says, "What say you, <name>? Is there anything else you would ask?"
Objective 12
- Talk to Gimli when you are down learning about Epic Battles for now
Aragorn stands before the walls of the Hornburg, discussing what your friends should expect in the coming battles.
- Gimli: 'It is very complicated, but I believe I understand what Aragorn has said to us. We will do well, <name>, I am certain of it!'
- 'I believe I know enough for now, <name>. I hope you feel the same! This land will not give in to Saruman's designs without a fight!'