Quest:Dreaming of a White Yule

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Dreaming of a White Yule
Level 1
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Hálgur
Starts at Thorin's Hall
Start Region Ered Luin
Quest Group Yuletide Festival

Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Good tidings to you, <name>. It is a glorious Yule this year; however, I have a twang of guilt. We dwarves here get to enjoy the fullest of the wonders of winter, seeing your breath in the morning, the way an ale courses through you and thaws frozen fingers and toes...and of course the pure white snow.

'I fear the Men of Bree will not get to enjoy these things this Yule, and while I cannot change the weather itself, perhaps I can help to bring them some measure of the spirit of the season. Just a bit more snow and my cart will be full enough that some should last the journey.

'Could you help me gather some snow for my journey <name>? Not just any snow will do, it has to be very cold and hard packed. You should find some in piles just west of Frerin's Court. Return to me with as much as you can carry, and hopefully Bree will see some Yule cheer.'


Hálgur wants to share the yule spirit with the Men of Bree by bringing them some snow from the fields of Ered-Luin.

Objective 1

Piles of snow can be found west of Frerin's Court, south of the gates to Thorin's Hall.

Hálgur asked you to gather snow from several piles outside Thorin's Hall.

Objective 2

Hálgur is inside Thorin's Hall.

Hálgur will be eager to fill his cart with the snow you have gathered.