Quest:Defence: Build a Gate at Lugazag

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Build a Gate at Lugazag
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Lugazag
Starts with Soldier Kafaaz
[15.4S, 19.8W]
Ends at Lugazag
Ends with Soldier Kafaaz
[15.4S, 19.8W]
Commendations 250 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Lugazag Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Listen here! We may have taken the tower, but the Free People are relentless. They will return, and we best defend the top of the tower so that we can hold this location. Get out into the wilds and get me the materials that I need to build a sturdy gate that will keep them Free Peoples out!'


Collect materials from the wilds of the Ettenmoors. Your forces will construct a door that will seal the upper level off from the enemy.

Objective 1

Head into the Ettenmoors and collect the materials that are needed to construct a door that will seal the upper levels of Lugazag away from the enemy.

Objective 2

Head into the Ettenmoors and collect the materials that are needed to construct a door that will seal the upper levels of Lugazag away from the enemy.

Soldier Kaafaz: 'I am almost impressed. Now, the fun begins. I will see that the door is built and we will slaughter the free folk here at the pinnacle of Lugazag!'