Quest:Daring into Cobshollow

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Daring into Cobshollow
Level 10
Type Solo
Starts with Nuddo Sutchic
Starts at Lintrev
Start Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [61.4S, 24.3W]
Ends with Nuddo Sutchic
Ends at Lintrev
End Region Swanfleet
Map Ref [61.4S, 24.3W]
Quest Group Swanfleet
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Thank you for sharing your story with me. I have witnessed the crossing of black riders through these parts and a veil of shadow along with them.

'It has had a terrible effect on the land. All the spiders of Cobshollow have come to chaos. I have been working together with my friend Coruwen to deal with the shadow's corruptive force.'


Nuddo has witnessed the shadow's presence in the surrounding area.

Objective 1

Nuddo tells you that the spiders have begun attacking ever since the shadow strode through the land. Cobshollow can be found to the south-west. You can take the road heading south out of Lintrev and across the bridge.

Travel to Cobshollow and contain the spider infestation.

Defeated spiders (12/12)

Objective 2

Nuddo should hear about the growing infestation. Nuddo Sutchic is waiting in Lintrev.

Nuddo Sutchic: 'So the infestation has gotten worse? If left unchecked, these spiders could multiply and endanger all of the Stoor-vales. It is bad enough with ailing crop and aggressive animals. All that won't matter if this whole land is overrun by this infestation.
'You must find the spider queen taken by the shadow and defeat them.'

Objective 3

Nuddo Sutchic has tasked you with finding and defeating the corrupted spider queen.

Travel back to Cobshollow to the south-west and find the queen.

You defeated the corrupted spider queen

Objective 4

  • Talk to Nuddo Sutchic'

You defeated the corrupted spider queen.

You should tell Nuddo in Lintrev the good news.

Nuddo Sutchic: 'Thank you for defeating the spider queen. That should slow their proliferation into the Stoor-vales for now.
'But this is just the beginning. We must find a more permanent solution to driving back the shadow. We have some room to breathe yet.'