Quest:Cloben's Eye

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Cloben's Eye
Level 65
Type Small Fellowship
Starts with Item:Cloben's Eye
Starts at Thrór's Coomb
Start Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [67.2S, 8.5W]
Ends with Frithgeir
Ends at Zudrugund
End Region Enedwaith
Map Ref [65.6S, 8.5W]
Quest Group Enedwaith
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

With the defeat of Cloben, the dwarves of Thrór's Coomb will no longer have to quake in fear under the threat of the powerful gwiber.

You should bring Cloben's Eye to Frithgeir in Zudrugund.


From the myriad beasts you have defeated in Thrór's Coomb, you have manage to obtain a great trophy: Cloben's eye.

Objective 1

Frithgeir is at Zudrugund, which lies at Nár's Peak, north of the river.

The eye you recovered will long serve as a symbol of the defeat of the gwiber that menaced Thrór's Coomb.

'This eye serves as a beacon of hope, friend. With Cloben's defeat, the dwarves have taken their first step towards the reclamation of their home. Your name will be revered among the Longbeards.
'I fear that while this creature was powerful and deadly, it may not be the same beast that has pushed the brood of gwiber out from their mountain home, however....'