- You have to keep Neghêbh, Skelghâd, and Dhâmiz alive and kill them once the The Unbroken One's 200 corruptions are removed. To do this, you need two tanks, two or even three heals, and ranged DPS as well as classes with quick corruption removal skills. A tank takes the three mini-bosses and takes them to the cage, with his/her assigned healer. Corruptions on the three mini-bosses must be cleansed constantly, with priority on Dhâmiz. The other tank takes the boss when he breaks free and brings him to the middle of the arena, starting to remove corruptions on him as soon as possible too.
- 45 seconds after the boss is triggered, vortexes start appearing , and do so every 30-35 seconds. They are preceded by a purple flame (2 to 3 seconds) and can appear at all black dots on the mini-map (only one at a time). You have to spot them before they appear and run in the opposite direction.
- After the 41st corruption is removed from the boss (159 corruptions remaining), several mechanics are put in place:
- Every 30 seconds, slightly larger darklings appear from places around the arena: near the entrance, in front of the cage, and near the exit. They one shot the first player they meet, so ranged DPS must kill them quickly.
- Every X seconds, damage plates appear under players and hurt quite a bit, so it's handy to have moving classes.
- From the moment you go below 160 corruptions, it's a corruption removal race. It's a very technical fight that is slow at first, but becomes horribly more complex as soon as the boss is activated and even more so when it falls below the threshold of 160 corruptions.
- Don't forget that if you manage to remove the 200 corruptions, there are still three mini-bosses to kill, the adds to manage, the vortexes etc! The easiest way is probably to return to the cage, with the ranged DPS watching over the darkling.
- Neghèbh has a healing corruption called
Aura: Ancient Horror that should be removed when killing it. When it is standing near Nameless or Evil Men it will get a -50% incoming damage buff due to Ancient Defence. The other corruption called Runic Defence (Melee) should also be removed so melee classes can contribute.
- Skelghàd gets an
Aura: Ancient Defence corruption buff that needs to be removed when killing it.
- Dhàmiz gets an
Aura: Ancient Dexterity corruption buff that needs to be removed when killing it.