Quest:Cache and Carry: Hidden Foodstuffs
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Level | 61 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Braigiar |
Starts at | Echad Dagoras |
Start Region | Enedwaith |
Map Ref | [58.7S, 14.9W] |
Ends with | Braigiar |
Ends at | Echad Dagoras |
End Region | Enedwaith |
Map Ref | [58.7S, 14.9W] |
Quest Group | Enedwaith |
Quest Chain |
Quests in Fordirith
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'We need additional supplies if we are going to make it through all of Dunland without slowing to hunt or barter -- assuming the locals will deal with us at all, which seems doubtful in these dark times. 'Fortunately there are those among our number that have long made the trek to Gondor and back to bring news and lore between the North and the South. These wayfarers laid in caches of supplies -- food, medicine, bandages, weapons, even some scrolls of lore we stowed away. 'The caches are well hidden, but can be spotted if you know what to look for. There should be a few such here in Fordirith.' BackgroundBraigiar has assigned you the task of finding a number of hidden caches of supplies scattered throughout northern Enedwaith. If you can uncover these supplies, the Grey Company will be able to pass through swiftly without having to resort to bartering with hostile locals or stopping to hunt. Objective 1
Braigiar has pointed you to a cache of foodstuffs he says is hidden in the northwestern area of Fordirith. He believes it should be buried about twenty paces west from a tree marked with the Ranger's rune.
Objective 2
Braigiar has pointed you to a cache of foodstuffs he says is hidden in the northwestern area of Fordirith. He believes it should be buried about twenty paces west from a tree marked with the Ranger's rune. Objective 3
Braigiar said the cache of foodstuffs would be buried about twenty paces west of the rune-marked tree.
Objective 4
Braigiar is at Echad Dagoras in Fordirith. You discovered the Rangers's cache and dug up the foodstuffs hidden there. Now you should return with them to Braigiar.