Quest:Assisting the Smiths' Fellowship

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Assisting the Smiths’ Fellowship
Level 100
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Narnaith
Starts at Workers' Tier
Start Region Minas Tirith
Map Ref [65.7S, 16.9W]
Quest Group Old Anórien: Pelennor
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I have been working on making weapons for the soldiers of Gondor but our metal supplies are slowly dwindling. I fear that it may be a while before Harlond's port is once again receiving goods from western Gondor.

'Turgon is keeping watch over the southern gate of the Rammas. Though he is outnumbered, he is holding his post.

'Would you be willing to assist him? Perhaps you and Turgon would be able to retake the port so that we may receive much needed supplies after the battle?'

You keep to yourself the knowledge that Aragorn's ships also need the port clear...


Narnaith asks you to assist Turgon, guard of the southern gate of the Rammas, in keeping Harlond's port intact.

Objective 1

  • Speak with Turgon

Turgon can be found at the southern gate of the Rammas.

You should speak with Turgon and assist him with clearing the port of Harlond.

Turgon: 'Narnaith wishes to clear Harlond? While I commend this idea, I am uncertain if now is the time for such an endeavour.'

Objective 2

Turgon can be found at the southern gate of the Rammas.

You should speak with Turgon and assist him with clearing the port of Harlond.

Objective 3

  • Speak with Narnaith

Narnaith can be found in Minas Tirith.

Speak with Narnaith.

Narnaith: 'Great work. We have got to keep this city running if we are to survive after the battle.'