Quest:Articles of Fortitude
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Level | 50 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Wáli |
Starts at | Noglond |
Start Region | Ered Luin |
Map Ref | [19.4S, 100.4W] |
Quest Group | Guardian |
Class | Guardian |
Quest Chain | The Bravest Deed |
Quest Chain |
The Bravest Deed |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Wáli's Notes (These notes were provided with an earlier version of the quests) The lineage of an item holds great power... bear this in mind as I set before you a series of difficult tasks. The piece of equipment I make for you will draw its strength from the tale of its making, and if it were easy, the resulting piece would suffer for it. The following notes will provide details on the tasks I would have you complete, and the order in which I would have you return the items to me. It will take time for me to properly prepare this piece, and the sequence of your deeds is important, so pay attention! TEN SNOW-ENCRUSTED DOURHAND BOOTS The Dourhands have troubled my folk for a long time and cast a poor reflection on fine, upstanding Longbeards. I have learned that a number of the villains have returned to their old keep in the Misty Mountains and a preventing travellers from traversing the pass of Gabilazan. This cannot be allowed! If I had my choice, the tramp of Dourhand-feet would no longer echo through Gabilazan. That should be Longbeard territory! Bring me ten of their boots, and the equipment I make for you will bear the memory of the Dourhands' defeat! In the foothills of Fasach-larran, in the land of Angmar, a mighty boar with ashen skin runs along the cliffs. He is called Grimgore, and he moves with the speed of death, his trampling hooves echoing along the grey stone of that inhospitable place. Do not fear gim, but keep your wits about you, for Grimgore is a fearsome opponent. When you have obtained the boots of the Dourhands and faced fierce Grimgore, return to me before you begin collecting the next set of components. TWENTY-FIVE UNYIELDING DRAKE SCALES The scales of the mighty drakes of the land of Angmar contain a strength that cannot be overstated. They are most valuable for smoths of all sorts. Valuable too are they for the fashioning of the equipment I will make you! Look for drakes in the fastness of Urugarth, on the plains of Gorothlad, and in Nan Gurth, and bring me their unyielding scales. FIFTEEN GEM-ENCRUSTED NAILS The cave-claws on the plains of Gorothlad, in the land of Angmar, dig through the rock and stone with the sharp nails that are the pride of their kind. In Angmar, though, they often unearth gems of unusual toughness. Bring their gem-encrusted nails to me to harden the piece of equipment I will make for you. When you have collected the drake-scales and the gem-encrusted nails, bring them to me before you continue Of Lhugrien, I can tell you little. She is the greatest of the drakes of Urugarth, and she is a formidable foe. If you can wrest from her a flawless scale, you will be a greater guardian than I, for there was a time when I sought to face Lhugrien... and my courage was not up to the task. I bear this shame openly, for in truth it is a shame that I share with all but very few. Inside the Uruk-Fortress of Urugarth, the goblin Athpukh presides over the Warg-cages, and their crazed occupants. He likely bears a token of his command, taken by force from the previous Warg-keeper. Take it from him, and I will grind it into dust over the piece of equipment I make for you, giving to it the memory of both goblins and wargs, our hated foes. When you have obtained a flawless scale from Lhugrien and a Warg-keepers token, bring them to me, and I will finish the piece of equipment I am fashioning for you.
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'I can make you a piece of equipment befitting your stature as a guardian, <name>, but heed my warning: I will require several components for its making that will take you to dangerous lands and into great danger. 'But you are a guardian! Surely you will not shy away from such a challenge! 'The first items I need you to gather are the ashen hide of the great boar Grimgore in Fasach-larran in Angmar and the snow-encrusted boots of the Dourhands at Gabilazan in the Misty Mountains.' BackgroundWáli has agreed to help you fashion a piece of equipment worthy of your might as a guardian. Objective 1
Grimgore can be found in Fasach-larran in Angmar. The Dourhand dwarves may be found at Gabilazan in the Misty Mountains. Wáli asked you to bring him snow-encrusted Dourhand-boots and Grimgore's ashen hide. Objective 2
Wáli is at the outpost of Noglond, south of Thorin's Hall and west of the dwarf-city of Gondamon. Wáli is waiting for you to return with the first set of components for which he asked.
Objective 3
Drakes and cave-claws may be found in Angmar and other dangerous places. Wáli asked you to bring him unyielding drake-scales and fifteen gem-encrusted nails. Objective 4
Wáli is at the outpost of Noglond, south of Thorin's Hall and west of the dwarf-city of Gondamon. Wáli is waiting for you to return with the second set of components for which he asked. Objective 5
Wáli gave you his notes containing the components he will need to fashion you a remarkable piece of equipment. Wáli asked you to return with a flawless scale of Lhugrien and a Warg-keeper's token. Objective 6
Wáli gave you his notes containing the components he will need to fashion you a remarkable piece of equipment. Wáli asked you to return with a flawless scale of Lhugrien and a Warg-keeper's token.