Quest:Anduin's Bounty

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Anduin's Bounty
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Germund
Starts at Hultvís
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [5.1N, 54.6W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Woodsedge
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>! Where you travel, good fortune seems to follow. Will you hear my plight?

'Long have I cast my nets into Anduin, but never has its bounty been so meagre. It seems to me an omen... but of what?

'Will you go down to the banks of the Great River and gather fish from my nets? If Anduin is generous to you, perhaps my concerns were for naught.'


The Woodmen of Hultvís often gather fish from the waters of the Great River, Anduin.

Objective 1

  • Collect fish from nets along the Anduin (0/8)

Nets can be found along the eastern shores of the Anduin in Woodsedge.

Germund has asked you to gather fish from nets along the Anduin.

Collected fish from nets along the Anduin (8/8)

Objective 2

Germund can be found in Hultvís.

You have gathered a number of fish and should now deliver them to Germund.

Germund: 'Well? What did you find?'
You show Germund the fish you gathered from his nets.
'Hah, 'twas just a bad day of fishing, I think! I'm sorry to have tasked you with such a small matter, <name>, but I deem it most worthwhile, for it eased my mind considerably! I'll see to it myself at dawn on the morrow.'