Quest:Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest -- Solo

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Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest -- Solo
Level Scaling
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest
Start Region Pit of Stonejaws
Quest Group Gundabad: Depths of the Mountain-hold
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Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest
"Deep in the Pit of Stonejaws, a grand tomb holds the remains of the many ancient dwarf-lords of Gundabad. The necromancer Loknashra, now empowered with the spirit of Drugoth, has returned to raise an army and claim her vengeance upon all those who wronged her."


Deep in the Pit of Stonejaws, a grand tomb holds the remains of the many ancient dwarf-lords of Gundabad. The necromancer Loknashra, now empowered with the spirit of Drugoth, has returned to raise an army and claim her vengeance upon all those who wronged her.

Objective 1

Find and speak to Kyrstig at the entrance of the Houses of Rest.

Kyrstig: 'That hobgoblin was formidable enough before she possessed the spirit of a Gauntlord in addition to her own! I think we need to hurry. I definitely saw Loknashra come in here, and she has no doubt set to work disturbing the rest of my ancestors. Come on, let's go! Be brave, Kyrstig, be brave!'

Objective 2

  • Pick up the summoning horn
Use the summoning horn to call Kyrstig

Objective 3

  • Defeat the risen dwarf-lords
Loknashra says, "At last, you have arrived!"
Loknashra says, "Not all of the dwarf vermin, I see. Too bad. I should have liked to claim Ausma and Hórin's beards as well."
Loknashra says, "But YOU, <name>, taking your head will be enough for one day's work."
Kyrstig says, "You knew we would come?"
Loknashra says, "You have been a thorn in my side since I set foot in Gundabad. Of course I knew you would come."
Loknashra says, "The brave heroes rush to stop the villain's evil plan. You've done it time and time again."
Loknashra says, "But what you fail to see is that I will be the hero of MY people."
Loknashra says, "I will use the Gauntlord's power to free them from the dragon's control, and I will save them from their most hated enemies: your invading army."
Loknashra says, "The Orcs will finally have no master! We will be free to forge our own destiny!"
Loknashra says, "They will celebrate your death, <name>, and I will lead them into a grand future."
Kyrstig says, "Uh oh."
Kyrstig says, "Uh oh!"
Loknashra says, "How amusing that the dwraves will meet their end at the hands of their own dead ancestors!"
Kyrstig says, "I think we're going to have to fight our way out!"
Kyrstig says, "Why does it keep getting worse? These four look tough!"
Andvár Crow-feeder says, "Rise again... Stand together... Destroy... our enemies..."
Níthi the Cunning says, "Rise again... Stand together... Destroy... our enemies..."
Andvár Crow-feeder says, "Worm..."
Andvár Crow-feeder says, "They shall know... FEAR..."
Níthi the Cunning says, "Weaken..."
Níthi the Cunning says, "The poison... bubbles..."
Andvár Crow-feeder says, "Pitiful creature..."
Arváng Blackfoot says, "Rise again... Stand together... Destroy... our enemies..."
Arváng Blackfoot says, "Just... a taste..."
Níthi the Cunning says, "Accept... this boon..."
Arváng Blackfoot says, "It creeps... inside..."
Arváng Blackfoot says, "What... comes... forth..."
Arváng Blackfoot says, "Contagion... rains down..."
Níthi the Cunning says, "The blood... betrays..."
Arváng Blackfoot says, "Stand... before me..."
Náli the Thumb-taker says, "Rise again... Stand together... Destroy... our enemies..."
Níthi the Cunning says, "Failure... once more..."
Náli the Thumb-taker says, "Fall... before me..."
Náli the Thumb-taker says, "Coward..."
Náli the Thumb-taker says, "Strike... deep..."
Náli the Thumb-taker says, "Face... me..."
Náli the Thumb-taker says, "Free... again..."
We rest... once more...
Defeated the risen dwarf-lords

Objective 4

Kyrstig says, "We can't stop now! Loknashra must still be here somewhere!"
Kyrstig says, "Drat, the hobgoblins block our way with ice! It will take too long to break through this!"
Kyrstig says, "I think we're going to have to go through these tunnels. Hopefully they lead through to the other side."
Kyrstig says, "But they're really creepy... who dug these? Surely not dwarves."
Kyrstig says, "Kergrim!"
Kyrstig says, "Ugh. More ice. That means more creepy tunnels."
Kyrstig says, "I feel sick. I swear, if I see one more desecrated corpse..."
Kyrstig says, "What am I saying? Of course I will. We're after a necromancer."
Kyrstig says, "Come on, let's get this over with."
Loknashra says, "You're still alive?"
Loknashra says, "I am impressed. Truly. But now, you will die."
Loknashra says, "Drugoth is with me, and you cannot stand against our combined power!"
Loknashra says, "Ice and shadow answer my call!"
Loknashra says, "A cold wind blows!"
Loknashra says, "Just a taste of the cold!"
Loknashra says, "A frozen whisper!"
Loknashra says, "The darkness will consume you!"
Defeated Loknashra

Objective 5

Loknashra says, "Argh! You have impressed me yet again, <name>! But I will not fall here."
Loknashra says, "I have one last gift for you, heroes."
Loknashra says, "I did not want to unleash it just yet, but it should be potent enough to end the likes of you."
Loknashra says, "Come with me, if you dare!"
Kyrstig says, "Do we dare? We must, right?"
Kyrstig says, "What could her 'gift' possibly be?"
Loknashra says, "They are coming, my sisters! We must complete the ritual now!"
Kyrstig says, "Oh no. That couldn't possibly be...?"
Loknashra says, "I command you to rise, Vethúg Wintermind! You will be the instrument of my vengeance!"
Loknashra says, "And once we're finished with the dwarves, it will be time for a family reunion."
Loknashra says, "NO! I will have my vengeance or perish in the attempt!"
Defeated the wight of Vethúg Wintermind
Completed: Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest -- Solo
Spirit of Drugoth says, "You will not meet your end here, Loknashra."
Spirit of Drugoth says, "I shall keep this host awhile longer."
Spirit of Drugoth says, "Enjoy your meaningless victory while you can, mortals."
Kyrstig says, "She's... gone? Does that mean we won?"