Quest:A New Shine

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A New Shine
Level 5
Type Solo
Starts with Halli Shimmershield
Starts at Frerin's Court
Start Region Thorin's Gate
Map Ref [15.0S, 103.2W]
Quest Group Ered Luin
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Hello there, friend. I was just thinking of all the things I've got to do and me here on duty.

'I've got my brother's armour to get polished. He'd do it himself, if he had a mind to, but I'm afraid Kalli does not have our family's sense of duty. He'll never earn his commander's respect; always being late, never diligent in his duties, always wearing his old, worn armour and filthy uniform.

'Perhaps you could be of some service to an old warrior. Could you bring this armour up to Brúni Stonehelm and have him polish it for me? Brúni's stands among the armour merchants of Thorin's Hall, where the canal runs through the mountain.'


Halli has asked you to help him improve his brother's reputation in the guard by having his tarnished armour polished.

Objective 1

  • Bring the tarnished armour to Brúni

Brúni Stonehelm can be found among the armour merchants of Thorin's Hall, where the canal runs through the mountain.

Halli asks you to take his brother's armour to Brúni Stonehelm.

Halli Shimmershield: 'Have you not brought the armour to Brúni yet? Do not tarry; Kalli will need his armour shined bright to impress the commander!'
Brúni Stonehelm: 'What's this? I know that armour! That's Halli's, unless I miss my guess. I haven't the time to polish his armour again. I'm far too busy!
'I was supposed to go down to Noglond, the way-station to the south, and pick up the guards' damaged armour. No, I have no time to clean Halli's armour today. You will just have to leave it here, and I will see if I can get to it before next week. can go down to Noglond and retrieve the guards' armour for me.'

Objective 2

In return for polishing Halli's armour, Brúni asks you to collect the damaged armour from the guards at Noglond, the way-station south of Thorin's Hall.

Brúni Stonehelm: 'The Noglond guards have got more damaged armour than that, and it's not going to drag itself up the mountain! If I have to go down there and get it I'll not be able to polish Halli's armour.'
Halli Shimmershield: 'Have you not brought the armour to Brúni yet? He's in the western hall with the other smiths, and Kalli will need his armour shined bright to impress the commander!'
Geitir: 'Brúni's got someone else to do his errands for him again, eh? Very well, here's my other armour. You might want to check with Olafr, too. His armour was torn up bad a few days ago back in a scuffle with some goblins.'
Óláfr: 'I've been waiting for Brúni to come down. We expected him the other day, but as usual, he put us off again! I've got a dent in my armour a hand a half long. Poxy goblin would have cut me shoulder to belly if not for that hunk of metal!'

Objective 3

Brúni is by the armour merchants in Thorin's Hall.

You should take the armour you collected to Brúni to be mended.

Geitir: 'I don't blame Brúni for not coming out of his nice warm forge up at Thorin's Halls. That's where I'd stay if I were him, not trapessing out here in the cold.'
Óláfr: 'Be sure to tell Brúni to replace that streap on the left side of my armour. He should have plenty of time up there at the forge.'
Halli Shimmershield: 'Have you not brought the armour to Brúni yet? He's in the merchant's area of Thorin's Hall, and Kalli will need his armour shined bright to impress the commander.'
Brúni Stonehelm: 'There you are. What's taken you so long? Let me see these...Thorin's beard! Have they been wrestling oliphaunts? I could forge two suits of armour in the time it will take me to hammer this out.'
The dwarf-smith looks up at you. 'Oh yes, here is the armour you wanted shined.'

Objective 4

Halli is in Frerin's Court, south of Thorin's Hall.

Brúni has given you Halli's armour, cleaned and polished, to return to its owner.

Brúni Stonehelm: 'Halli's going to want his armour back right away. Best you take it to him now. He's usually on duty down by the gate to the courtyard.'
Geitir: 'That's a handsome suit of armour, but it's not mine. If you're still running errands for Brúni, you'll want to ask him who that armour belongs to.'
Óláfr: 'I'd be surprised if Durin himself could fix my armour up nice as the set you've got there. You must have me mixed up with someone else. Check with Brúni at the forge to see who that armour belongs to.'
Halli Shimmershield: 'Aye, that's just the thing. Kalli will look sharp as an axe in this. The commander's sure to notice him now!'