Quest:'Tis the Season

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Objectives are missing
'Tis the Season
Level 1
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Merellos
Starts at The Festival Garden
Start Region Ered Luin
Map Ref [24.6S, 93.1W]
Quest Group Festival
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I have seen more seasons of Yule than you could probably count. Every year, we mark the passing by gathering up the mistletoe from the young fir-trees. Some of it is used in medicines, some for decoration, but mostly, to admire the wonder and awe of the passing seasons.

'I have not yet gone gathering this year, and I fear there may be too much for me to do here. If I cannot see the mistletoe, I will mourn much, when I should be celebrating. Winter is the start of rebirth, not the death it may so likely seem. Yule and mistletoe serve to remind us of this.

'If you could be so kind as to follow the road north towards Thrasi's Lodge, you will find young fir-trees just before the bend, adorned with freshly-grown mistletoe. Bring some back to me so I may rekindle my hope of the season's rebirth.'


The Elves celebrate Yule festival by collecting mistletoe from young fir-trees.

Objective 1

  • (pending)

Mistletoe can be found on the young fir-trees along the northern road to Thrasi's Lodge.

Merellos asked you to gather some mistletoe for her so she may remember what it is Yule is all about.

Objective 2

  • (pending)

Merellos is at Duillond.

Merellos will be eager to see the mistletoe and remember what Yule means.