Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb -- Tier 3 -- Leading the Charge

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Deed Lore

In a sheltered valley in the north of Khûd Zagin stand ancient, crumbling ziggurat-tombs of pale stone collectively known as Nirgambâr. Scouts have reported that one of the Zidemel's men, Andur, is said to have entered Nirgambâr drawn there by dark whispers. Locate and stop Andur before he can unleash what lurks in this cursed place.

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  5 Shagâni Ghín
   <name>, Led the Charge at the Restless Tomb

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 150.
  • This deed was only available for a certain period of time from Thursday November, 14th until Wednesday at 3:00 a.m. server time on January 15th, 2025, and is no longer available.