Lothlórien Titles

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  • Doer of Great Deeds - You have performed many great deeds on behalf of the Galadhrim and the dwarves of the Iron Garrison.
    Complete 5 Great Deeds in Lothlórien.
  • Guest of Lothlórien - You have answered the summons of Lord Celeborn and have joined the Galadhrim against the Orcs of Moria.
    Complete 10 quests in Lothlórien
  • Guardian of Lothlórien - Your actions on behalf of the Galadhrim have earned you great favour.
    Complete 25 quests in Lothlórien
  • Warrior of Lothlórien - The Galadhrim sing the praises of your prowess and courage in the face of hopeless danger.
    Complete 40 quests in Lothlórien
  • Lórien Look-out - You are honoured for helping stand guard upon the flets of Lothlórien.
    Find 11 Flets in the Golden Wood
  • Flet-runner - You have proven yourself both quick of foot and completely aware of your surroundings among the flets of Caras Galadhon
    Complete 5 Flet-runner Challenges
  • Fleeting Ally of Lórien - You fought with the Elves of Lórien against the Orcs of Moria.
    Successfully defend Lothlórien from the Orcs of Moria 1 time.
  • Steadfast Ally of Lórien - You have won several victories in Lórien against the Orcs of Moria.
    Successfully defend Lothlórien from the Orcs of Moria 3 times.
  • Defender of Lórien - The Elves of Lórien have rejoiced at your victories against the Orcs of Moria.
    Successfully defend Lothlórien from the Orcs of Moria 5 times.
  • Defender of Caras Galadhon - You are revered for your heroic acts in defence of Caras Galadhon.
    Gain Ally standing with the Galadhrim, barter and use a Inscription of Benefits.
  • Persistent Defender of Lórien - Your victories against the Orcs of Moria have brought you great renown among the Elves of Lórien.
    Successfully defend Lothlórien from the Orcs of Moria 7 times.
  • Trueheart Defender of Lórien - You fought bravely with the Elves of Lórien against the Orcs of Moria many, many times.
    Successfully defend Lothlórien from the Orcs of Moria 10 times.
  • Champion of Lothlórien - The Orcs of Moria will not soon assault Lórien, thanks to you.
    Slay 120 Orcs in Fanuidhol and the Dimrill Dale
  • Wild Hunter - You have become a respected hunter among the Galadhrim.
    Defeat 120 Beasts in Lothlórien.