Legendary Server Announcement
October 22, 2018

An invitation to Relive the Legend
We are excited to announce a new way to experience The Lord of the Rings Online: Legendary Worlds! Relive the tales of Middle-earth, chapter by chapter, visiting iconic locations and adventuring with new friends - or reconnecting with old ones - on the path of Frodo, Gandalf, and the Fellowship of the Ring.
Join us this fall on a Legendary World and make a fresh start with a brand new character; see Tolkien's bustling realm anew, whether for your first or fiftieth time. Initially, the Legendary World will begin at the very start of the game and run through Angmar, then open new regions and levels over time. Relive the legend: where everyone is here and the story is now.
Look for more information about this subscriber-only experience coming soon on www.lotro.com and on social media.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a Legendary server and a standard server?
- On standard servers, players can reach the maximum level cap (currently 150) with no restrictions, and players adventure in the story beyond the destruction of the One Ring.
- The Legendary server starts out with only the initial Level 50 and below content, with a focus on the Shadows of Angmar story. Gradually the level cap and story content unlocks over time, allowing players to relive the early Lord of the Rings story anew, together!
Do I need a subscription to play on the Legendary server?
- The Legendary server is available to VIP subscribers along with Lifetime VIP subscribers.
Can we transfer characters off or on to this server?
- Players cannot transfer characters onto Legendary Worlds. Currently, players can transfer characters from Anor to other game worlds through a paid World Character Transfer. It is not currently possible to transfer characters from Shadowfax and Treebeard to the other game worlds, nor transfer characters between Shadowfax and Treebeard.
Will I be able to access the LOTRO Store on the Legendary server?
- Yes, but some items may not be available until the Legendary server advances further in the Story / Level cap.
Will there be Trait trees?
- Yes.
Can I play a Rune-keeper, Warden, or Beorning?
- Yes.
Can I play a High-elf or Stout-axe?
- Yes.
Will I get anniversary gifts when I make a new character?
- Yes, you will still get your anniversary gifts. However, some level restricted pre-order items such as the Aria of Valar from Mordor will not be available until the Legendary world advances further in the story.
Will I be able to keep playing on my non-Legendary server as well?
- Yes, the Legendary server experience does not impact your ability to play on other worlds.
Will Standing Stone Games continue to develop the non-Legendary worlds?
- Yes! We have no intention of adjusting our frequent, regular, and active development of the non-Legendary game worlds, and have plans for them well into the future.
- No, sorry. You also cannot transfer shared account items onto a Legendary server.
Is there PvMP on the Legendary server?
- There will be no PvMP available at launch.
If I purchase an account-based service or item from the LOTRO Store on the Legendary server, does it apply to the non-Legendary servers as well?
- Yes. Additionally, previously-purchased account-based items will be available on both worlds.
Do I need to download a different game client to play on the Legendary server?
- No. The Legendary server will be available from the Select Game World menu when logging in through the regular LOTRO client.
Can I access all of the LOTRO world and content on the Legendary server?
- Eventually yes, but not at launch, as we focus on the Shadows of Angmar story. The character level cap will be 50 when the Legendary server opens, and areas of the game world and content above level 50 will not be available at first.
When will content beyond Shadows of Angmar become available on the Legendary Server?
- Currently, we plan on expanding the content on the Legendary server approximately every 4 months.
Will legendary weapons be available on the Legendary server?
- Not at launch. Once the Legendary server unlocks the Mines of Moria story, you will be able to get a legendary weapon.
Can I play instances and skirmishes on the Legendary server?
- Traditional and scaling instances appropriate to the Shadows of Angmar story and available at or below level 50 will be open on the Legendary server immediately. Skirmishes and instances designed to play above level 50 will not be available on the Legendary server until the story advances.
Is there a separate European Legendary server?
- No. Players from all territories can play together on the Legendary server, and German and French speaking players can play on Legendary using the localized game clients.
Will the Legendary server have festivals and anniversary events like the other worlds?
- Yes, most festivals will be available for all worlds, including Legendary. A very limited amount of events might occur in a region that the Legendary world has not yet advanced to, but would become accessible once the Story / Level cap advances into those areas.
Can I use character boosts on the Legendary server?
- While the use of Experience potions and items is permitted, players will not be able to use or purchase character level boosts (example: Gift of the Valar) on the Legendary world until a later time once the Story and level cap has advanced further.
If I previously purchased Expansions or Quest Packs, will I be able to access them on Legendary once the server progresses to them?
- Yes, any previously purchased Expansions and Quest Packs will be honored and allow you access on Legendary once the server reaches that point in the Story.
Is the Legendary server a “Classic” or “Vanilla” server?
- By most descriptions, a “Classic” server is an attempt to recreate LOTRO exactly as it was at launch, using only assets and content that was available in 2007.
- A Legendary server runs alongside existing servers, and therefore contains many of the changes that have been made to the game over the years, such as UI improvements, bug fixes, changes to game systems, etc. In cases where we have updated or changed the layout of regions, the Legendary server uses the updated version of the regions. In cases where we have changed items or player abilities, the Legendary server uses those updated abilities. Some content or gameplay that isn’t appropriate to the Legendary server’s current level cap may be restricted, until that portion of the story unlocks with level cap increases (one does not simply walk into Mordor on Legendary until the time comes).
Launch date
- We are pleased to announce that our first-ever Legendary server for Lord of the Rings Online will open to the public at Noon Eastern (-5 GMT) on Thursday, November 8th. We are also here to announce the server's name: Anor! For more information about the Legendary server, visit LOTRO.com/Legendary. We hope to see you join us as a VIP for a fresh start to Angmar at launch!
Additional server and character transfers
Originally posted by Cordovan: 8 November, 2018, 1:45PM 1:45pm Eastern (-5 GMT) Thursday, November 8th: We are aware that players are experiencing a significant queue to get into the Legendary server Anor. The server has been near or at its available concurrent capacity since launch, so people in queue may experience a longer wait until someone logs out. We are also aware that the queue numbering system is not displaying correctly, but the queuing is taking place as intended. IN THE MEANTIME, we are working quickly to get a second Legendary server ready. Ithil is expected to be available for log-in tomorrow. We know many players want to play with their friends, so we will for a limited time be offering FREE character transfers between Ithil and Anor. These character transfers are not yet available, but will be when Ithil opens. Note that other limitations such as wait time between transfers do apply, as do typical transfer naming rules. We are thrilled and humbled by the overwhelming response today, and are continuing to work hard to maximize server availability.
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This site, "Lotro-Wiki.com," is for players by players, dedicated to LOTRO!
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