Item:Rune-stone of Fleetness (Level 34)

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Rune-stone of Fleetness
  • Bind On Equip
  • Item Level: 34
  • Rune-stone
  • 19 - 25 Lightning Damage
  • 22.2 DPS
  • +13 Agility
    +5 Vitality
    +7 Will
    Weaken: Opponent's power is transferred to you some of the time.
    5% chance to apply
    Target is drained of 2 Power
    Attacker gains 2 Power
  • Normal
  • Durability 100/100
  • Minimum Level 34
  • Worth: 5 Silver 76 Copper 
This page is about a minimum level 34 rare item. For other versions of the item, see Item:Rune-stone of Fleetness

Drop Information

This item is dropped by ???