Item:Record of Takeover

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Record of Takeover
  • "A letter."

Quest Information

Record of Takeover

Record of Takeover
I know what you're thinking, Kurizg, but we didn't have a choice. Our numbers were already depleted in that battle, and without Bolg to lead us what were our folk to do? Fight on? Some did, and died. The rest fled to fight again, and it seemed our time had recently come at last, but it was a deception. You know what awaited us at that ill-fated battle before the gates of that mountain: death and defeat, unexplainable failure! Now we huddle in the Bridges, squabbling with each other as if we were no better than goblins! Goblins!
I tell you, Kurizg, this may be Gorgar's dwelling-in-exile but Shakhajât would suit him better.