Item:Letter from Langhár: Sad News of Ofolmóth
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Quest Information
- You receive this letter in the mail upon reaching Level 30. It is part of the Deed: The Line of Beorn, Part Two.
- It begins your level 30 Class Quest: [30] Hatred of Bear and Man .
Langhár's Letter
- From: Langhár
- To: <name>
- Subject: Sad News of Ofolmóth
- Dear one,
- I have left our home and crossed the mountains, but it does not bring me the joy I expected, for my errand is a sad one. Grimbeorn sent me to Eriador to track a man that has turned to evil. He has already slain many innocent folk, and believes himself to be above the laws of Men. It is Grimbeorn's command that I track this man and put an end to his evil ways.
- I do not know how to tell you this, but I must. This man of which I write is Ofolmóth. He is of Beorn's line, and he is family, but he has become a menace to all he encounters. It is my duty to end him.
- I will make for Ost Guruth, the ruin-hold in the Lone-lands where he was last seen. Find me there, my dear one. I will need your help in this!
- Langhár, in sorrow