Item:Iorthrenar's Journal
Quest Information
Iorthrenar's Journal
17 September:
And so I return -- for the first time! -- to my ancestral home near Annúminas. My lineage lived long in our ancient manor, and it is a necessary and proper thing that the children of the Dúnedain come at least once to their olden homes.
19 September:
I stopped at Tinnudir to pay my respects to Calenglad. He warned me that the region grows ever more lawless, and that grave-robbers and brigands are a constant threat. It is hard for me to believe that we have fallen so low that we must truly beware of such things. But I place my faith in Aragorn son of Arathorn and trust that he will restore our ancient glory.
20 September:
In truth this is a strange land. I had wished to feel welcome in these old lands of ours, but there were uncanny things abroad: strange lights floating in the mere, unnatural snakes, and worse. Last night, I thought I heard Wargs howling in the distance. When the kingdom is restored, these things will change -- I swear it!
21 September:
I am sure now that I am being stalked. But not by evil beasts -- by men! I hope to make Annúminas tomorrow, though, and surely the watcher and I will be able to hold off any number of mere brigands and robbers.