Item:Himloc's Letter
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Item Information
Constable Bolger,
As you are no doubt well aware, these are difficult times for all us who live in and around the Chetwood. I must ask, sir, whether you believe these Blackwold villains will stop their attacks of their own accord? For it seems to me (and I am by no means an expert on the subject, though I must confess a certain professional interest compels me to inquire in this regard) that you have done very little to safeguard the property of the people of Staddle. I have observed (on no fewer than two occasions) dark shapes lurking about my pipe-weed field, and investigation next day revealed to me the loss of several of the ripest plants!
There are brigands lurking in these parts, Constable Bolger, and if you are unable to retrieve my stolen pipe-weed from their overlarge and undeserving hands, I shall consult with Mr. Redweed, Mr. Foxglove, and Mrs. Tanglerush, who I believe will surely give me the satisfaction of my returned pipe-weed. These watchers of Bree may be Big Folk, but they are a Good Sort, and I will turn to them next if you are unable to provide satisfaction.
I bid you good day, Constable.
Mr. Himloc Grouse