Item:Heraldry of the Resilient Ox (Legendary, Level 131)

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Heraldry of the Resilient Ox
  • Item Level: 450
  • Socket Type: Heraldric Tracery
  • +621 Might
    +883 Vitality
    +2990 Physical Mastery Rating
  • Enhancement Limit: 499
  • Maximum Level 150
  • Minimum Level 131
  • "Word of Craft set: Recovery"
  • 2 Different Set Items Equipped:
  • +3% Incoming Healing Modifier
  • 4 Different Set Items Equipped:
  • +2600 Incoming Healing Rating
  • Worth: 26 Silver 30 Copper 


Heraldry of the Resilient Ox is a Heraldric Tracery that increases Might, Vitality, and Physical Mastery Rating

Craft Information

Profession: Cook

​Crafting Tier: Gundabad (Tier 14)

​Recipe:  Heraldry of Healing or Recovery Recipe


Standard Critical
 Heraldry of the Mending Owl  Heraldry of the Mending Owl
 Heraldry of the Mending Bear  Heraldry of the Mending Bear
 Heraldry of the Resilient Ox  Heraldry of the Resilient Ox
 Heraldry of the Resilient Sparrow  Heraldry of the Resilient Sparrow


This item can be disenchanted into 80 Ancient Script.