Item:Dusty Pages
Quest Information
This item is given for the quest [53] Vol. 2, Book 2 -- Chapter 3: Zigilburk the Unrivaled.
Dusty Pages
Blacksmith Ongli demonstrated his plan for a new weapon today; such a plan would have anyone else laughed from the court! But he has the trust of Durin, and any demands he makes are greeted with affection and all the resources he might desire! Had I such patronage I too might create works of such beauty and weapons of such might!
The latest child of this largesse: an axe made entirely of mithril, so light it might be wielded one-handed even by a child of fifty, and so sharp that it might cut through all things with a single sweep! Zigilburk, it will be called, and it is the will of Durin that a special group of forges shall be built solely for its making!
Even more insult: Ongli has always coveted his privacy, and the door to these forges will be hidden, only opened through some trick! The trick will be recorded in Katûb-zahar, but that does me little good: I will not be given access to these forges, and my labours will continue to pale in comparison to Ongli.
A curse upon the head of Ongli and his secret forge and the mithril axe he will make there! May his works come to nothing and his name never be remembered!