Gnawing Cold

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Gnawing Cold
  • Seek out the warmth of a campfire to remove the ill effects of the cold.
  • - xx Frost Mitigation
  • Duration: 1h

Effect Information

This effect is bestowed by being in cold areas, such as Forochel or the eastern mountains in Enedwaith. It can also be applied by creatures in those areas. Gnawing Cold is also encountered in the vicinity of Núrzum and the Ice-spires in Wildermore.

It can be applied by Cold Grims and encounters in Yule: The Battle at Frostbluff, as well as by the bosses in the 3- and 6-man versions.

The effect can be removed by standing near a camp site fire that provides Soothing Warmth or by consuming special food that dispel cold, such as Baked Flounders.