Category talk:Quest by Level
Ambiguous Quest Levels
Today we are using various methods to categorize quests per level, I mean the level parameter. There are the normal numerical levels below server cap. But then we have ... and Scaling and Server Cap and the Level Cap template to choose from.
First ... versus Scaling — we should clarify the difference between the two. Data from LotroCompanion (LC) shows that there are two distinct level types: "Skirmish-Level" versus "Character-Level". They seem pretty obvious, minimum is the skirmish's level vs. level 1, and for both the character's current level is maximum. For some time I have used "Scaling" for Skirmish-Level and ... for Character-Level. But it would be nice to document which one to use as right now confusion and the resulting ambiguity are a fact.
Then Server Cap versus the Level Cap template. Currently the template will put the quests in the "Level 140" bucket, but that is incorrect for quests on Legendary Servers (LS). "Server Cap" is always correct, both on Legendary and normal servers, and as Drono said while chatting with me "capped players know they are capped" without us having to tell the number.
Also, for level 140 quests it is quite hard to be certain whether the quest is static level 140 or "Level Cap", without using LC. I haven't looked into how many quests are wrongly tagged with the "Level Cap" template instead of fixed level 140. And vice versa. But learning from history I'd assume there are some, which will become obvious at next level bump ... not a catastrophe in other words.
But for "Server Cap" vs. "Level Cap" I have most likely faulted many times, by not thinking about the LS situation (or considering them "odd balls"). However, after the chat with Drono I believe we should use the "Level Cap" template sparsely in favour of "Server Cap". And if we agree on that I suggest that too should be documented, right?
What are your thoughts? — Zimoon 20:46, 23 July 2022 (UTC)