Category talk:Mirkwood Landing Quests

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The Epic Quest line has a pseudo Fork here...

Category: Mirkwood Landing Quests‎ are in fact NOT part of the Epic Quest line (Category:Vol. II. Book 9 Quests), but only logged that way in the in-game Quest Log.

They are now separated out out into their own category, along with those several quests which are part of the "Expedition", i.e. the Mirkwood expeditionary force.

They quests are the introduction to all non-epic Mirkwood Quests (and therefore one assumes, the Mirkwood Quest Pack), much like the Walls of Moria are to the Moria quest line.

All of these quests are logged either as "Forward" in the Epic quest line or "Expedition" in the "Mirkwood" Quest line.

Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC (talk) 18:48, 14 April 2012 (EDT)