Category talk:Herbalism Quests
I just brought another character through N Ithilien, and I noted that [105] Retaking Torngroth (Repeatable) from Mablung opened after turning in [105] Shadows of Ithilien.
I wasn't paying attention but I suspect that all of Ereblen's repeatables in Henneth Annun require the completion of all 4 of Ereblen's quests west of Henneth Annun ([105] Predators from the East; [105] The Extracts of Ithilien; [105] New Life; & [105] Trolls in the Garden), since apparently Ereblen relocates to Henneth Annun after doing these. If someone can confirm this we can note the pre-requisites.--Thorwynn (talk) 23:21, 28 December 2016 (UTC)
- I suspect you are correct. His are probably the easies to "pre-requisite."
- I just managed to "catch" the wrapper-quest: Quest: Assisting the Herbalists: North Ithilien which appears to auto-bestow when you get any of the herbalist quests, at least in Henneth Annûn.
- I'm both looking for the quests from Mílgame and Thurindol and their pre-requisites. (Side tracked by the Yule Festival in both Middle Earth and RL!)
- Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 16:55, 2 January 2017 (UTC)
Oh, I guess should have noted this also: The quest [105] "Idle Hands" opened after turning in "Before the Battle Plain." While I was questing on my hunter, I ported to MT to turn in "Idle Hands". When I turned it in, a bunch of my junk LIs needed to be reforged, so I immediately ported back to Henneth Annun to take care of that. Upon arriving I noticed that Thurindol now had his 3 repeatables available. So I am 99% sure these are unlocked by "Idle Hands."--Thorwynn (talk) 06:21, 6 January 2017 (UTC)