Category talk:Ered Luin Quests
Presentation of Quests
The recent edits on this page is an experiment, to present links to the different area categories where better display is provided. The links along with most common levels for the areas.
Notice that the area category pages themselves cannot be transcluded from as the transclusion is only for quests starting in that area and it is transcluded into the area pages respectively. But the category pages display all other quests that are starting at all of the locations it comprises. To get the full picture of all starting and involving quests the reader must visit each location individually, but I believe players rarely are that interested in the "involving" bit so that is no big loss.
This page, together with the regional quest-chain categories presents the best possible information without tons of duplicated static data which historically has been neglected, forgotten about, or unknown to the updating editor. A huge step forward in other words. But none of the two displays all possible data for the region at once. If that is wanted?
-- Zimoon (talk) 15:53, 26 May 2012 (EDT)