Category talk:Cook Quests

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Cooking Quests Woes

Posting it here but essentially this is not just about cooking. I have to admit that I am at a loss, coming to a task from the flank kind of and finding no lead nor light. What? Obviously many many crafting quests have been taken out of game and some some are replacing the old. Reading pages' history I can find some clues, but not always what replaced what was taken out, the old quests were not marked obsolete, and new quests are missing. OK, we add them over time, when and if we find them.

For Cook it seems the quest that unlocks Master Expert Cook and the Artisan tier is missing. I remember I did it on my Cook but it is not to be found in the Quest Journal, at least nothing there hints that it was the one I am looking for, neither under Crafting not The Shire, yet I recall doing it, must have been in August. Anybody knows?

While at it, please walk over crafting quest categories and fix the part I have added for transclusion. I am certain there are mistakes, but should not be worse than maybe 10% but I will add a bit at my talk page not to pollute this one too badly. Zimoon (talk) 13:47, 21 November 2011 (EST)