Category:Treason Quests

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Treason quest chain

  1. [79] Phial Acts of Deception
  2. [79] Interrogating the Suspects
    • [79] Apprehending Swithorne - Accepting and completing this quest will not allow you to apprehend Eldora or Wigfugol.
    • [79] Apprehending Eldora - Accepting and completing this quest will not allow you to apprehend Swithorne or Wigfugol.
    • [79] Apprehending Wigfugol - Accepting and completing this quest will not allow you to apprehend Swithorne or Eldora.
  3. [79] In Service to Reeve Athelward
  4. [79] Wrath of the Reeve
  5. [79] Daughter Like Father -- Vector to Rohirrim Training Grounds